Katie's Pix

Welcome to Katie's Pix!

Hello! I hope you enjoy my site. I want to begin by telling you a little about myself. My name is Katie Troutt. I am 13 years old and live in mountainous Backyard MountainsMaryville, Tennessee. I've lived here all of my life, well at least 13 years of it. I have never taken lessons on how to take pictures, so everything you see is what I like. My step-dad is helping me learn more by giving me assignments to do. Some of them are hard because I have to think a little differently but most of them have been really easy. Hopefully I will be able to take better pictures as I learn from the small assignments.

None of my photos have been photoshopped. That means that none of them have been changed or altered. My step-dad and I have cropped a few just to take out certain elements. I take my camera wherever I go. So if I see something I like, I take a picture of it to remember it by.

You can read more about me on my about me page. There you will find what I enjoy and other information that I like.

Please take the time to comment on my photos or you can even purchase them. A percentage of the money comes to me when you do purchase them. This also helps me to know what type of pictures you enjoy most and if you would like to see other types, animals, sunrises or even things I haven't thought of, just send me a comment using the contact form.